28 Aug 2022

The Barren Fig Tree


        The barren fig tree is a simple parable said by Jesus[luke13:6-9].
        In this parable, Jesus said about a man who had planted a fig tree in his garden. But even after three years, the tree bears no fruit.  The master got angry and told his vinedresser to cut down the tree instead of allowing it to use up the land. But the wine dresser pleaded with him to let the tree for one more year and told him that he could put some effort by digging around it and putting on some manure. If the tree bears no fruit even after that he can cut it down.
        The parable is simple. The fig tree resembles us, The Lord Almighty as the master and Jesus as the vinedresser. The purpose he has in us is that we have to live fruitful life. Just think about it "Are we fruitful to others?". Our Saviour is always trying to speak with us so that we can turn ourselves into a good one. "Are we listening to his words?".
        My dear friends, hear his words. Listen to him. Live as he taught us. Live a fruitful life and stay blessed.