11 Jun 2019

Celebrate Failure


    You will surely think of me as mad on reading the title. To the truth, it is not my idea, but it is a thought which impresses me a lot.
     A few months ago, that is in the first week of the last march in our college day celebration we have a chief guest Rangarajan Mohan Kumaramangalam, a leader in Congress party, his words were amazing. He said"I wonder to find today's Youths are fearing to face Failures"."But dear students Just learn to CELEBRATE FAILUREs"
      The words "CELEBRATE FAILURES'' are quite interesting, but by analyzing I find it as true, yes most of the youths are skipping many opportunities fearing that they may fail, None thinks that they can learn from failures and that learning can make them more powerful.
      Dear friend what I am trying to say is Don't fear failures just try as much as you can, if failure only follows you just be happy and celebrate failure.
                 Thank you for reading have a nice time...  

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